Instagram TV (IGTV)

Launched on 20th June this year, Instagram proved they had more in their sleeves.

What’s IGTV?

It works similarly like ‘Stories’, but now, you are able to upload videos up to 10 minutes long instead of 10 seconds per story.

If you already have several videos, we highly recommend you to make some edit/adjustment on them to fit into a vertical video format (9:16 ratio).



View All Active Facebook Ads

Finally, this is a game changer for every marketer.

Why? You can now publicly spy your competitor Facebook Ads.

All you have to do is just click the Facebook page you want to ‘spy’ on, then click the little icon (Info and Ads) located at the left column.



YouTube Channel Monetization & Merchandise

To reward content creators on YouTube, the platform is rolling out new channel membership option.

Viewers can now pay $4.99 monthly to content creators and have access to unique badges, new emoji or participant/member-only posting community.

Instead of just depending on Google AdSense or sponsorship videos, this is another option for YouTubers to make money.

Do you sell merchandises?

YouTube now allows content creators to add a merchandise below the video.

Up to this moment, this feature is only available to eligible U.S. based channels with over 10,000 subscribers only.


Rebranded Google Adwords 

Google recently rebranded Google Adwords to Google Ads.

One of the best selling advertising features, Google Search is already helping thousands of businesses to grow online.

The new Google Ads will have more features for the integration of other properties. This includes Google Map, YouTube, Google Search, Google Play and more.

For small business owners, Google Ads launched a new type of campaign to make their life easier. Together with machine learning, it makes the advertising platform one of the most powerful tools to grow your business online.

More updates will be announced on the Google Marketing Live on 10th of July this month.


LinkedIn Translator & QR Code Scan

If you are a user of LinkedIn and Facebook app, you should notice Facebook App already has the translation tool long time ago.

Anyway, the feature is still very useful as it allows users to read the translated text within the app.

While networking with others at an event, don’t forget to try the LinkedIn QR code feature.

Traditional name card is still a norm these days, but you can check someone’s LinkedIn profile immediately after scanning their QR code.